Regenerative Medicine in  Marion, OH


Platelet-rich plasma therapy is a form of Regenerative Medicine that can harness those abilities and amplify the natural growth factors your body uses to heal tissue.

What is PRP?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is an injection of a concentration of a patient’s own platelets to accelerate the healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints. PRP injections uses each patient’s own healing system to improve musculoskeletal problems.

How does It Work?

PRP injections are prepared by taking the patients blood and running it through a centrifuge to concentrate the platelets. These activated platelets are then collected, prepared, and then injected directly into your injured or diseased body tissue..

This releases growth factors that stimulate and increase the number of reparative cells your body produces. Ultrasound imaging is sometimes used to guide the injection.

The concentration of platelets and growth factors injected can be 5 to 10 times greater than normal

Is PRP Safe?

Platelet-rich plasma is a safe therapy. No major adverse side effects have been reported. Injection site reactions are possible but are usually mild and self-limiting. Since your own platelets are used in the injection procedure, there is little chance of rejection.

What are the Advantages of PRP?

Some of the key advantages of PRP injections are that they can reduce pain, inflammation, and repair the body without the need for anti-inflammatories or stronger medications like opoids. Return to activity is relatively quick without much needfor downtime depending on the condition treated.  Patients are encouraged to engage in light, low impact, activities such as walking, stationary biking, or swimming for a short period after injection.

Conditions Treated

  • Musculoskeletal Problems including (Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendonitis, Posterior Tibial Tendonitis)
  • Nerve Related Issues (Nerve Entrapment, Tarsal Tunnel, Neuromas)
  • Joint Conditions including (arthritis, capsulitis, plantar plate injuries, turf toe)



Amniotic Stem Cell therapy is a form of Regenerative Medicine that can offer natural healing of damaged tissue, and can potentially prevent further tissue degeneration.

What are Stem Cells?

Stem cells are natural cells within the human body. Certain stem have the ability to form into bone, cartilage, fat, and muscle. Under the right conditions, stem cells are capable of providing a strong cell signaling response to the body with the potential to repair, and possibly regenerate damaged tissue.

How does It Work?

Amniotic stem cells are retrieved from amniotic products including umbilical cord, placenta, or amniotic fluid. Amniotic products can be donated to the medical field, which are then processed and sold for therapeutic use.

This Product is then prepared and injected directly into your injured or diseased body tissue.

The treatment’s desired effect is to decrease inflammatory mediators, slow enzymes that cause damage, and promote the production of the body’s healthy natural healing process. Ultrasound imaging is sometimes used to guide the injection.

Are These Injections Safe?

No major adverse side effects have been reported. Amniotic stem cells have been processed and sterilized. Local reaction to the injection is possible, but rejection is not likely.

What are the Advantages of Amniotic Injections?

Some of the key advantages of Amiotic injections are that they can reduce pain, inflammation, and repair the body without the need for anti-inflammatories or stronger medications like opoids. Return to activity is relatively quick without much need for downtime depending on the condition treated.  Patients are encouraged to engage in light, low impact, activities such as walking, stationary biking, or swimming for a short period after injection.